This course can be tailored to focus on improving the individual’s effectiveness, ensuring the safety of their team and that of the general public. This course directly focuses on ‘Threat Assessment’ and is divided into theory and practical lessons of instruction (10%-90%). The Theory presentation reinforces the ethos of IED Disposal Operations with in-depth discussions of current and previous IED threats. The remaining time is then dedicated to a series of practical exercises, each of varying complexity, where individual EOD operator’s will be presented with realistic scenarios from current threats that will require them to perform a render-safe procedure. After each evolution, the EOD operator will receive a verbal assessment of their performance.
The advantage of this course is that it can also be tailored to encompass newly qualified personnel with threats that are more or less CONUS homeland security based or offer the more seasoned individual an opportunity to exercise their skills taking into consideration the OCONUS threat with a higher percentage of scenarios based on the higher threat terror organizations operating worldwide.
Returning the situation back to normality at earliest opportunity is paramount in the larger metro areas, while also ultimately, being safe, efficient, and professional when responding to any IED incident.
This course focuses on the operator managing the scenario from start to finish, incorporating sound threat assessment through relevant and thorough questioning, being safe throughout, choosing the appropriate RSP that prevents unnecessary closure of public areas and ensuring correct techniques are used to preserve vital forensic evidence.

Minimum Course Deliverables
Printed Course Reference Material
Course Certificate
Pre Course Qualification Requirements
Military EOD Operators or Hazardous Devices School Certified Bomb Technicians
Course Duration
5 Days (minimum 40 hours)